Monday, January 23, 2023

My Top 5 News Sources

News on a vast amount of topics are posted continuously throughout the day on numerous platforms. People choose different platforms to pay attention to which can influence formed opinions. I use many sources to obtain my news but five are used more often than others. 

My main source of news online is social media. I look to Instagram to get most of my news about sports, politics, current events, and entertainment. This often comes in the form of various influencers giving their opinions so I need to balance this with other sources. Instagram allows my consumption of news to be more visual than written which is easier for me to process. 

I also check Twitter throughout the day as it tends to provide more up-to-minute breaking news on topics I pay a lot of attention to such as professional sports. Sources post about sports transactions and sports injury updates, as well as political news and current events that I am interested in. 

Following professional sports being my largest passion, ESPN is another main source of news that I use each day. Although sometimes there can be an overlap of information with Twitter or Instagram, ESPN gives me game scores and player statistics in real-time as it happens.

CNN strictly contains more political news for me to consume. I know many online news sources can present stories with some political bias in one way or another, but I tend to lean in with CNN the most. CNN pushes content throughout the 24-hour news cycle and I find it one of the most efficient ways for me to find news other than on social media platforms.

As of late, NewsNation has been a news source that I have used on a daily basis. I find an interest in true crime and events that are in need of a murder board like the ones we see on TV shows. I have partaken in researching more about the University of Idaho quadruple-murder investigation, and I find that NewsNational reports the most credible and up-to-date news. NewsNation describes the true crime in a descriptive way that really makes sense to me.

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