Sunday, February 26, 2023

Technology Presentation Thoughts

Different types of technology are created and improved every day. I found each presentation to be very interesting and even if I knew roughly how something was developed, however, I still learned a lot of information. 

                                                                  Creator: Dominic Agostini 
                                                                    Copyright: Dominic Agostini

Learning the progression of when certain games were created like Angry Birds made me realize how certain games led to the creation of others. The different styles of topics in presentations also garnered my interest. For example, presentations on different news outlets or media companies. I also learned about the different technologies through my own group's parts in our presentation.

My group's technologies included: television, Netflix, Cable News, Motion Pictures, and the New York Times. The timeless my group used as well as other presentations really explained to me the development of how our modern-day electronics have improved over time.

Technologies have constantly been improving over time, however, when my fellow classmates were presenting I noticed a trend. The development of some of these electronics was very slow before the 1900s, but once the 20th century started, the rise of this empire grew quickly. After the first half of the 1900s, tech became more popular and used more. 

The 21st-century starts and technologies reach even greater rights. Now in 2023, technology and electronics basically run the entire world in one way or another. My classmates had all different kinds of presentations revolving around many different versions of the technology that has been created over time.

Without the creation and development of technology, the world would be completely different in today's age. Communication would be completely different. Jobs would be worked in what would not be considered "old-fashioned." Jobs would be very limited like how they used to be, and children in school would have struggled to learn during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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