Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The Founding Era

I learned a lot of information in our first timeline of the semester. The Articles of Confederation and State Constitutions were prime examples leading up to the Federal Consitution that I did not understand as clearly until now. Despite taking plenty of American history classes, I do not remember learning directly about "The Fugitive Slave Clause," directly but at a generic series of events that was taken. I remember learning an outline of the clause but not as in-depth about it. I also learned that the Constitution is very broad and not as specific as I believed it to be. That is why it is open to vast interpretations. In prior classes, I only learned about sections of the Constitution and not as a whole. 

The most surprising thing I learned is how Virginia and Kentucky were essentially allowed to ignore a federal law and how strong The Sedition Act was at the time. The videos did not change my view of the Supreme Court gave me a better understanding of what it does. 

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