Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Feeling Self-Fulfillment in the Eyes of Jonah Alewine

I believe self-fulfillment is the most important to me of the eight values of free expression. Being in a well-rounded space with people that support me and do not put me down for who I am in a serious way makes me feel the self-fulfillment that I need. However, I believe I won't fully feel this until I reach all or most of my life goals. 

According to Google, self-fulfillment means "the fulfillment of one's hopes and ambitions." Whenever I complete a task that is a goal of mine, I feel very accomplished. To be able to complete my goals will make my life complete. 

Self-fulfillment is needed for me to feel like I lived a complete life and to garner this ability I need to reach my goals. One of my immediate goals is that I want to call ESPN games for High Point University lacrosse and announce more games in general. I broadcasted soccer and basketball in the past, but have not yet been on the air for lacrosse. 

A second immediate goal of mine is to graduate college. This may be the easiest goal for me to achieve as I am almost halfway finished with college and have a GPA of about 3.3. However, one may never know what could happen between now and May of 2025. Being able to graduate college and finish school altogether will make me feel fulfilled but I know that my life is not complete and I still have many goals that I want to achieve in the "real world."

In terms of work goals I want to start off in football scouting, which will likely result in me starting in the high school ranks. However, I could also end up beginning with a scouting organization. This company may not directly work with a single level of football or team. This will bring me another step closer to feeling self-fulfillment. 

A final work goal of mine that I have at the moment is to eventually be a scout or broadcaster in the Baltimore or Miami sports markets. As a result of all the work I hope I will complete over the course of my career, I want to be able to support my family and never have to worry about any financial issues that may occur. These issues could include debts, loans, and anything that could cause my family to lose something valuable.

To feel complete self-fulfillment I will need to achieve all of my goals and reach retirement. Once this happens I will feel like I lived my life to the fullest and will hopefully be able to enjoy retirement without feeling like I did not achieve my life plan. 

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