Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Alternative Media

Alternative Media are online sources that the government does not always want the normal citizen to view or to be aware of. These sources are more honest with their political biases, than the prototypical media sites people read more often like CNN, NBC, and FOX. These websites may look less professional but also share many of the same graphic similarities as the mainstream media.  

The alternative media probably view themselves as free-speech proponents but do not always agree with the government’s story. Websites like Antiwar.com share statistics like death tolls in wars the US has contributed to but is not directly involved with. The US government does not want citizens to know this information because they are sending money to other countries for a war that results in more unrelated deaths.

Alternative media forces the US government to contradict itself, specifically around the first amendment, the freedom of speech. The government does not want these websites to gain a lot of traction because they often contradict the government’s approved narrative, which is in complete repudiation to the first amendment. 

This type of online source can also be viewed in a more professional manner. Case studies are also an example of alternative media because it does not come from a huge platform like CNN, but are still professionally written and published using scholarly sources. These case studies can be read in academic journals whether it is in print or online. 

                                                                        Creator: DADO RUVIC Credit: REUTERS
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Podcasts can be viewed as an alternative media as well. People can express their views freely and almost whatever they want. However, these can also go against the government's consistent story. Podcasts can be considered one of the biggest types of alternative media platforms. Given that podcasts can be found on Apple and Spotify, using this as a way of alternative media is on a much larger scale than many other media.

A video-based alternative media site that has been gaining traction as of late is Rumble. This YouTube competitor is known for more "freedom of speech content" and does not condone cancel culture. Rumble allows many people who have been canceled off of YouTube to post content on their platform. 

                                                        Creator: NurPhoto Credit: NurPhoto via Getty Images
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Former President Donald Trump has been canceled off of social media multiple times but currently has two different channels on Rumble under his name. The subscriber counts rank in the top 10 on the video site. 

Alternative media gains attention due to consistently questioning and challenging the government’s narrative. The government decides to condone alternative media because if made public the cancelation of said websites, more problems would be created. If the government were to allow more alternative media to gain traction and be more well-known, people would have fewer questions about what the country's leaders may truly be doing and are involved with behind the scenes. 

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