Tuesday, February 28, 2023

False Information EOTO Reactions

I learned a lot through the first EOTO group presentations and gained even more knowledge through the second round of technology developments. This EOTO project focused on misinformation and its effects, as well as all the different ways media can be found online.

Photo Credit: Creator: Marat Musabirov 

The first group had topics that dealt with what can happen when misinformation is spread and made public (propaganda and defamation). Group one also talked about Five Eyes which was an intelligence-sharing alliance started in 1946. The biggest thing I took away from the first selection of presentations was cancel culture.

Cancel culture has been brought to light with the explosive growth of social media over the last decade. Anyone from athletes to media personalities has been canceled over numerous accusations.

My group was second, presenting about the mediasphere, and our topics included, mainstream media, alternative media (my presentation), echo chambers, whistleblowers, citizen journalism, and online influencers.

Group 3 had one presentation that caught my eye, the Illusory Truth Effect. This effect revolves around anyone writing something false, which is eventually believed to be true. The transition in beliefs is based on the influence of people on social media.

The fourth and final group had presentations focused on policies. The deep fake presentation was the most interesting to me because I find it scary that a person can edit someone's face onto another with just the click of a few buttons. 

The cord-cutting presentation was also very intriguing. Subscriptions for different websites and streaming services have been increasing in price and seeing the numbers explained can really impact one's budget. Personally, my family has started to cancel certain streaming services that we do not use to save some money.

All four groups (including mine) had great presentations with an extensive amount of useful information for each subject. The EOTO projects have been a great way to learn more about technology and different rules for online media. 


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